Monday, February 15, 2010

Feminist Feature: Bobby's Top Feminist TV Shows

5. Sactuary

Dr. Helen Magnus, played by Amanda Tapping, is a genius, developed over a hundred years. She is an activist for abnormals, but if need be, she will kill a dangerous abnormal. She is an abnormal herself, created by a serum of pure vampire blood, giving her the power of longevity. Not to mention there’s badasses Kate Freelander and Ashley Magnus.

4. Veronica Mars

Veronica Mars starred Kristen Bell as a teen sleuth. Once popular and now a social outcast after being raped and distancing herself from anyone she trusted. It didn't help that her father is also a private detective who was once a police chief who was wrongly accused of wrongly arresting someone and lost the favor of the town who turned to the current chief of police goofball. Veronica develops a friendship with other outcasts, who help her in her cases, no questions asked. Because they trust her. The less they know, the less danger they're in. Veronica is an independent woman, who rushes into danger without fearing it. She's witty and bitterly sarcastic. Her technologically-savvy friend Mac is also a feminist icon, paving her own way, being a crazy-awesome hacker and computer wiz.

3. Xena: Warrior Princess

The one that started a feminist revolution on television in the 90s as a spin-off of Hercules: The Legendary Journey. It was an inspiration to women everywhere, and a lesbian icon, especially in its last season, when Xena and her traveling scholarly (turned sidekick warrior) companion Gabrielle became a bit closer in their relationship. By closer I mean sexual stimulating in a way. Lots of kissing and feeling between the two. I didn't get to see much of the final season due to the unfortunate circumstance of not being able to receive the channel.

2. The Legend of the Seeker

Read past posts of my love for this under-rated, under-watched show.

1. Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel

The female roles in these two shows are outstanding. Joss Whedon loves his strong women, which he credits to his mother...Willow being an uber-witch, Buffy and Faith (and many, many others now) being vampire slayers (only can a woman chosen for that role), Tara being another powerful witch and Willow's gay lover, Fred becoming the crazy-powerful smurfish Illyria, the independent, strong detective Kate, the once-ditzy-turned-powerful-and-helpful Cordelia, Anya being a once-powerful demon, Lilah, and Angel's love from long ago Darla, who sired him. There's no shortage of strong women in Whedon's shows, and it continued with Firefly/Serenity and Dollhouse. And in comics with Astonishing X-Men, Buffy Season 8, and Runaways. Next up for Whedon: Wonder Woman movie!

Honorable Mentions
: Dollhouse, Firefly, and Wonder Woman

I don't count Charlie's Angels because of the highly sexualized and objectified women on it.

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